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Another cause of osteoporosis in men is hypogonadism, which is a deficiency of testosterone, the masculine hormone par excellence. Also, malnutrition, obesity, and alcoholism are potential risk factors for osteoporosis.
The most visible signs and symptoms of osteoporosis, other than a susceptibility to fractures, are a curved posture, pain in the back regions and a slight shrinking in height (you may already have noticed how some elderly people appear somewhat shorter, both men and women.) It may also be that in the initial stages of osteoporosis there are no symptoms whatsoever.
To diagnose osteoporosis, your doctor will examine you and ask questions about your symptoms and sometimes request a bone-density test to measure the status of your bones. The results are immediate and the test does not need any preparation on your part.
To prevent osteoporosis, you could try to do the following:
a) stop smoking
b) limit your alcohol consumption (2 glasses per day maximum for men, one a day for women)
c) Exercise regularly
d) Take vitamin D supplements (ask your doctor for the right dose for you)
e) Expose your body to sun for 10 to 15 minutes at least 2 to 3 times per week. This will activate the vitamin D which in turn will activate the metabolism of your calcium levels to reinforce your bones.
f) Eat calcium-enriched foods, like dairy products, vegetables and greens, sardines, salmon, tofu and almonds.
There are medicines and treatment for osteoporosis which can help you to avoid serious fractures. These medicines and procedures can already help to prevent osteoporosis occurring in those who are taking regular steroids for other diseases.
In the case of men, check your testosterone levels at your next doctors’ appointment because it is now known that a deficiency of this male hormone, or hypogonadism, is a leading cause for osteoporosis in men.